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Leadership 2025: Three Priorities You Can’t Ignore in the New Year

As we enter 2025, the dynamics of leadership and organizational success continue to shift under the weight of complex global challenges and transformative trends. Today’s business landscape demands that leaders adopt bold strategies to navigate uncertainty, engage...

Strategies to Become a Better Virtual or Hybrid Leader

Despite high-profile examples of organizations requiring employees to return to the office, the reality is that plenty of leaders continue to find themselves in the position of managing employees who don’t routinely share the same working space. Many organizations...

3 Pieces of (Bad) Leadership Advice Women Get

Women in leadership get a lot of advice, most of it unhelpful. The first step in finding our way is to recognize and reject poor direction, so let’s take a look at three main types of advice served up to women by career gurus: Lean in Aim to please Walk the tightrope...