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Take the Multidimensional Career Self-Assessment.

Promotions Are So Yesterday Book
Promotions Are So Yesterday Book

Discover seven ways employees want to grow…even more than promotions, positions and moves.

And check out the new Multidimensional Career Toolkit!

It’s ideal if you’re looking to:

  • Make career development easier?
  • Instill greater employee ownership for growth?
  • Highlight options beyond promotions?
  • Offer managers tools they’ll actually use?
  • Retain today’s talent?
Multidimensional Career Toolkit Samples
The time-honored tradition of defining career development exclusively in terms of promotions, moves, and title changes is dead. What lives on are unrealistic expectations from this outdated mindset, leaving employees disengaged, managers disempowered, and organizations disadvantaged as they struggle to retain talent.

Flatter organizations, hollowed out hierarchies, shifting demographics, and other changes have created a workplace where the promotions that are available will never keep pace with employees’ appetite for growth. The time has come to shed yesterday’s limited view of career development and find ways to enable the growth people and organizations need today.

In Promotions Are SO Yesterday, Julie Winkle Giulioni demonstrates that beyond, between, and besides the climb up the corporate ladder, there are many other ways that employees want to grow. You will gain a new perspective on development through an easy-to-apply, research-based multidimensional career framework. The framework features seven alternatives to promotions—contribution, competence, connection, confidence, challenge, contentment, and choice—all of which offer powerful ways to grow that, unlike promotions, are completely within a manager’s and employee’s control.

Filled with practical advice, nearly 100 questions to spark reflection and productive dialogue, and actionable tools that managers can use with employees, Promotions Are SO Yesterday proves that when it comes to career development no promotion really is no problem.

Promotions might be so yesterday, but there are steps you can take today to create a more possibility-filled tomorrow – for your organization, your employees, and yourself.


Purchase the book and begin implementing the career development concepts from Promotions Are So Yesterday with your team and in your business.


Get a sneak peek of Promotions Are So Yesterday by downloading a preview that will introduce you to how career development has changed – and why managers must approach it differently.


Take the complimentary online self-assessment to expand your definition of career development, learn about your growth priorities, and personalize your path through the book.

Multidimensional Career Framework

The Multidimensional Career Framework at the heart of Promotions Are SO Yesterday is based upon 10 years of field research. It offers managers and organizations a way to redefine career development, elevating growth, engagement, job satisfaction, and performance which will allow employees to thrive.

Learn more about the global study validating employees’ profound desire to grow in ways beyond the traditional climb up the corporate ladder.

The Multidimensional Career

Praise for Promotions Are So Yesterday

“If you’re a manager who genuinely cares about helping your employees thrive, this is the book for you. With a keen understanding of how contemporary organizations really work, Julie Winkle Giulioni shows you the exact strategies you can use to engage and develop your team to the fullest.”

Dorie Clark

Author and Faculty, Duke University Fuqua School of Business

“This book is required reading for HR professionals and managers in every industry! Promotions Are So Yesterday offers a powerful and insightful new look at how leaders can approach career development in a way that inspires and motivates their employees.”

Marshall Goldsmith

New York Times #1 Bestselling Author of Triggers, Mojo, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

“For managers wishing to support growth aspirations of their teams, this book is a treasure chest of ideas to help employees see that career growth goes beyond the ‘ladder.’ I highly recommend this book and am keen to start introducing the seven dimensions at my company.”

Lucy Chaddha

Senior Director, TMP Innovation and Learning, Salesforce

“Your employees may not want to ‘play the game’ or even ‘climb the ladder,’ but they don’t want to get left behind either. What they want is a career to be proud of, one of contribution and fulfillment. This practical book will help you coach them to do that on their own terms.”

Michael Bungay Stanier

Author of Bestseller The Coaching Habit

“Consistent with Julie’s gift for cutting through the chaos and offering reality-based solutions, this book offers a fresh and immediately actionable alternative to outdated ways of thinking about careers.”

Carrie Rich

CEO, The Global Good Fund

“Promotions Are So Yesterday offers sage advice that is spot on and to the point, especially in today’s chaotic work environment. Promotions at work are certainly wonderful, but people hunger for so much more. Julie Winkle Giulioni has beautifully crafted a clear and practical approach to meeting this challenge in a way that engenders engagement, high performance, and retention. A worthy effort and a more worthy read.”

Doug Conant

Author, The Blueprint; Former CEO, Campbell Soup Company

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