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4 Mindset Shifts for a Better Talent Pipeline

As leaders face the most volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous business conditions ever, one thing is clear: Talent is an organization’s most powerful and sustainable competitive advantage. As a result of the Great Resignation, the talent pipeline in many...

Training: The New School

Guest Post by Dr. Stacy Feiner I’m delighted to celebrate the launch of Talent Mindset with this guest post by Dr. Stacy Feiner.  In her just-released book, Stacy provides a step-by-step process for acquiring, developing and deploying people within any organization....

Carnival of HR: The Emerging Trends Edition

As mid-year approaches, it’s the ideal time to step back and reflect on some of the most profound Human Resources trends, patterns, and challenges… and, more importantly, identify what organizations could/should do to respond to them. Some of the best thinkers...