Julie's Books
Julie Winkle Giulioni has written the book – actually two books now – on career development and dialogue.
Promotions Are SO Yesterdayby Julie Winkle Giulioni
The time-honored tradition of defining career development exclusively in terms of promotions, moves, and title changes is dead. What lives on are unrealistic expectations from this outdated mindset, leaving employees disengaged, managers disempowered, and organizations disadvantaged as they struggle to retain talent. The time has come to shed yesterday’s limited view of career development and find ways to enable the growth people and organizations need today.
“If you’re a manager who genuinely cares about helping your employees thrive, this is the book for you. With a keen understanding of how contemporary organizations really work, Julie Winkle Giulioni shows you the exact strategies you can use to engage and develop your team to the fullest.”
Dorie ClarkAuthor of Reinventing You and executive education faculty Duke University Fuqua School of Business
Help Them Grow or Watch Them Goby Julie Winkle Giulioni & Beverly Kaye
Study after study confirms that career development is the single most powerful tool managers have for driving retention, engagement, productivity, and results. Nevertheless, it’s frequently the thing that gets side-lined. When asked, the number one reason managers give is that they just don’t have time. Don’t have time for the meetings. The forms. The administrative hoops. But there’s a better way. And it’s surprisingly simple: frequent short conversations with employees about their careers.
“Should be the career conversation Bible for busy leaders!”
Marshall GoldsmithAuthor of the New York Times Bestsellers MOJO and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There