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Rethinking Your Response When an Employee Resigns

From the Great Resignation to the trending topic of quiet quitting, the exodus of employees, whether physically or emotionally, continues. No matter how strong your organizational culture is employee resignations will happen. The words: “I quit!” will always strike...

Now Is The Time for Introverted Leaders

Guest Post by Jennifer Kahnweiler I could not be more pleased to host this week’s guest post from my friend, Jennifer Kahnweiler. Jennifer was one of the first Berrett-Koehler authors I met after publishing Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go. I have been so grateful for...

The Surprising Benefits of Manager/Employee Interactions

Leadership IQ released a study called “Optimal Hours with the Boss.” It’s an insightful report based upon research conducted with more than 30,000 executives, managers, and employees in North America. The results understandably made news. The findings are...

Training: The New School

Guest Post by Dr. Stacy Feiner I’m delighted to celebrate the launch of Talent Mindset with this guest post by Dr. Stacy Feiner.  In her just-released book, Stacy provides a step-by-step process for acquiring, developing and deploying people within any organization....

Let’s Call a Truce… in the War for Talent

Maybe it’s due to world events and too much news of conflicts among nations. Or maybe it’s due to my conflict-adverse nature. Whatever the cause, war-based analogies today hold far less appeal to me in general.  And specifically, I’m feeling compelled to wave the...