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Developing Leaders: Turning Life into Learning

According to Deloitte, organizations and individuals globally spend more than $50B annually on leadership development. Last year, these dollars were spent on a wide variety of activities designed to build leadership competencies and skills. These activities range from...

The Pernicious 4Ps that Undermine Career Development Satisfaction

Career development consistently appears at the bottom of most organizations’ climate and engagement surveys. Employees routinely express their displeasure with the options, possibilities, and moves available to them… as well as the organization’s overall commitment to...

Training: The New School

Guest Post by Dr. Stacy Feiner I’m delighted to celebrate the launch of Talent Mindset with this guest post by Dr. Stacy Feiner.  In her just-released book, Stacy provides a step-by-step process for acquiring, developing and deploying people within any organization....

A Challenge to the Training Function: Is Learning a Two-Way Street?

Despite high levels of engagement, facilitative delivery styles, and even attempts at user-generated content, most training is still a fairly one-way communication vehicle; the trainer shares information, guides some discussion, and builds the group’s knowledge…...

Hard Data about the Soft Skills Gap

 Which of the following do you feel best defines the ‘gap’ in the US workforce skills gap? Lack of soft skills Lack of technical skills Lack of strong leadership skills Lack of computer-based technology skills NA – I don’t think there is a gap in the US...