As a young consultant several years ago, I worked with countless organizations that had dubbed their long-term planning efforts ‘2020 Vision’ – cleverly combining the idea of clarity with the nearly mythical future date. These plans tended to focus on innovative new...
“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong learning attempt to acquire it.” ~ Albert Einstein Lifelong learning has long been understood to be a critical success factor. But today, it’s taken on even greater importance. The pace of change continues to...
Leadership IQ released a study called “Optimal Hours with the Boss.” It’s an insightful report based upon research conducted with more than 30,000 executives, managers, and employees in North America. The results understandably made news. The findings are...
Guest Post by Karen Voloshin, DesignArounds In their book Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Employees Want two of my favorite colleagues Julie Winkle Giulioni and Beverly Kaye stress that compelling conversation is at the heart of career...