
The Great Re-Evaluation
There’s no argument that today’s workplace is in tremendous flux. The past 18 months have dramatically – and forever – altered the business landscape. Accelerated digitization. Support for work-from-home and hybrid configurations. Heightened attention to safety,...

Checkpoint 2021: The Top Read Blog Posts
2020 is safely (and thankfully!) in our rearview mirror. And now we've made it through the first half of 2021. This seemed the perfect time to look back at our most popular blog content over the past six months. The most popular posts were not surprisingly focused...

Remote Relationships: How Far Can You Coast?
I can’t count the number of times my dad’s car ran out of gas when I was a kid. Every single time, it was the same sputtering, then a period of coasting, followed by a full stop (and generally a few disapproving words from my mother.) While remote workers may not need...

Employee Engagement: One Size Can’t Fit All
Employee engagement is consistently one of the most discussed and written-about leadership topics. And it will likely continue to be in the years to come -- with good cause. Engagement has been positively correlated with employee retention, customer...

The Gravitational Pull of Weaknesses
In many organizations, the bulk of a leader’s performance management efforts focus on improvement opportunities (aka ‘weaknesses’.) And this parallels the tendencies that many of us have to place considerably greater emphasis on our weaknesses rather than our...

Work from Where? 3 Leadership Practices that Support Employees Working From Home, Work, or Somewhere in Between
Over the past decade, there’s been increased pressure for organizations to offer greater flexibility regarding when and where work gets done. The COVID-19 pandemic poured rocket fuel on the grand social experiment called ‘work from home’ (WFH.) Nearly every...

5 Work-From-Home Rituals that Will Reduce Burnout and Improve Productivity
Well into a second year of the fallout from our global pandemic, organizations continue to adjust their work-from-home (“WFH”) strategies. Although some offices have opened up, many more remain fully WFH. And still others are moving to a hybrid format. Given that a...

What Does a Career Look like in Today’s World?
You remember the Hans Christian Andersen tale about the vain emperor who is duped into wearing "specially woven" clothes that are actually nonexistent? While he parades around, his subjects remain silent, not daring to address the situation for fear of seeming stupid...

Career Success 2.0: An Evolving Definition
Many workers are beginning to recognize the need to redefine career success in new ways. With fewer promises of progression by way of promotion and with today’s fluid, highly responsive organizational structures, we can no longer evaluate career success against the...