During a recent podcast interview, the host said, “Julie, you’re all about simplifying career development, right?” I responded a bit tentatively, wondering where he was going. Then he asked, “What are the one or two most essential elements required for people to grow in the workplace?” I definitely had an answer for that.
Julie regularly contributes to these and other leading publications. Click each logo to read her insights on leadership, careers, and the future of work or scroll down to view all articles.
Featured Article
Thinking Inside the Box: Navigating the Motivation-Support Matrix
Article Source: Training Industry Magazine
Hang On To Them!
Article Source: Other Print/Digital Media Outlets
IDP: Individual Development Plan or Impediment to Dialogue and Progress
Article Source: Other Print/Digital Media Outlets
ASTD Career Week Podcast Interview with Stan Slap
Article Source: Association for Talent Development