According to a VitalSmarts survey of 1153 global workers reported in Harvard Business Review (April 2018), remote employees feel left out and disadvantaged as a result of their status. And it goes far beyond ‘out of sight, out of mind.’ In dramatically larger numbers...
Who Knows What Employees Really Want?
For decades, articles, authors and studies have tried to help managers come to terms with how to motivate employees and drive optimal performance by understanding what employees really want and need from work. The list is long (and alphabetized for ease). Achievement...
Redefine Results by Redefining Career Development
Given repeated rounds of downsizing, reorganizing, right sizing, and all of the other ‘zings’ that have befallen organizations, it’s easy to scan the landscape and come to the conclusion that career development options have shrunk... that they are few and far between...
Curiosity is the New Black
Are you looking for a skill that’s always in style, goes with anything and makes a bold statement wherever it goes? Look no further; simply consider curiosity. Depending upon whom you ask, curiosity is defined as a competency, skill, quality, or emotion. It’s the...
River of Much Return: Life lessons from a time at the tiller
Guest Post by Peter Moore I'm spending this week on a spring break adventure at the ocean with my family. So, it's only fitting that Peter Moore, whom I recently met while speaking to the Pasadena Chapter of PIHRA, fill in for me with a story of his own vacation on...
How Mindful Leaders Get Results
Guest Post by Scott Eblin This week's guest post comes from Scott Eblin, author of the new bestselling Overworked and Overwhelmed. Scott's message resonates with everyone in the workplace and his latest book offers research-based strategies designed to bring greater...
Opinions, Data, and Performance
Guest Post by Janhavi Hunnur I'm honored that Janhavi Hunnur asked to share this guest post that candidly addresses a challenge rarely talked about but shared by many leaders: personal biases around work approaches and styles that ultimately affect performance. In...
10 Ways Running Can Make You a Better Leader
Leadership is life. As a result, we can find lessons all around us that inform our ability to inspire, motivate, guide and deliver results through others. In the past, I’ve shared the connections I experience between leadership and my favorite avocation, paddle...
How Family Friendly are you Really
Guest Post by Beverly Kaye and Sharon Jordan-Evans I'm delighted to share a guest post from my friends Beverly Kaye and Sharon Jordan Evans. They are the co-authors of the bestseller Love 'Em or Lose 'Em: Getting Good People to Stay... the fifth edition of which is...