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Thank you for your interest in our e-guide: Hot Mess? Dumpster Fire? Train Wreck? You Still Have to Conduct 2020 Year-End Reviews.

Download Now

This e-guide was developed for leaders like you who find themselves:

  • Dreading planning your year-end reviews;
  • Uncertain about how to even begin such a conversation in 2020;
  • Wondering how you’ll hold people accountable during a year when nothing went as planned; or
  • Concerned about how to maintain motivation in the face of countless missed goals.

Use the tools and advice to prepare yourself and your employees to make the most of a challenging year.

In addition to your download, you’ll also receive actionable leadership and career development insights delivered right to your inbox.

During this time, and always, leadership matters. And I want to make sure that you have everything you need to meet the challenge, starting with the tools to conduct rich and insightful conversations that will drive growth, motivation, performance and results.

I would love to hear how you’re using this e-guide, the reactions and results you’re getting, and how I can further support your efforts. In the meantime, best of luck as you make the most of your year-end reviews.

And as long as you’re here, feel free to explore my website and the additional videos, articles and other things designed to enhance your effectiveness.


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