Leadership is life. As a result, we can find lessons all around us that inform our ability to inspire, motivate, guide and deliver results through others. In the past, I’ve shared the connections I experience between leadership and my favorite avocation, paddle...
Today’s managers and supervisors are under tremendous, and often competing, pressures. They’re challenged to balance short-term results with long-term focus. They must keep costs down but drive ever-increasing levels of contribution and value. They must follow...
What could be more helpful to a leader than having nearly 24/7 real-time access to an experienced coach who literally follows him or her around throughout the day? That’s what many organizations are providing in an effort to enhance leadership effectiveness and...
This article first appeared at Lead Change Group in July 2012. Ever wonder why there are more than 350,000 leadership titles on amazon.com? The plethora of models, seminars, speakers, authors, and books on the topic confirms something I’ve been thinking for a while:...
This is the second of a two-part series on a topic that’s near and dear to leaders everywhere… but one that may have become overly complex and burdensome. In the first installment published last week, I provided a simple roadmap for ensuring coaching success and...