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Closing the “discretionary effort” gap

Be honest. If you had a gas or water leak, you’d fix it. If an investment was draining your portfolio, you’d sell. So, why are so many smart leaders willing to accept “discretionary effort” as an inevitable feature of — and drain on — business today? Why do we allow...

What You Need to Know… about the CEO

For many, CEOs are an enigma.  Where do they come from? What are they thinking?  What is their special brand of business magic? GetVoIP has conducted extensive research to answer these and other key questions. Since I’m on vacation, this week’s post is more of a...

Ruining Recognition

It’s hard to imagine that in the workplace something as constructive, positive, and uplifting as recognition could go wrong. After all, it’s free. And research consistently points to how effectively appreciation builds morale, engagement, and bottom-line results. But...

Brand Boring

A prospective client asked to talk with me recently. (To protect her identity, we’ll call her Lara.)  Lara’s executives wanted to clarify and begin driving a leadership brand throughout the organization. What unfolded during our conversation was a plan whereby their...

How Well-Populated is Your Pipeline?

Last year, the Aberdeen Group conducted a research study exploring the business impact of building learning capability. Using three key performance criteria to distinguish best-in-class companies, it was found that: 83% of employees in these companies received...