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Leading Online and Socially

Technology and the explosion of communication it’s enabled has transformed nearly every industry, discipline, and field. Leadership is no exception. Today, leaders everywhere can engage in focused and effective development with a quick mouse click. Famous authors and...

Growth: It’s No Longer Optional

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”    – John Maxwell This has been a favorite quote of mine for some time… a good reminder to take advantage of the happenings around us and leverage them toward personal or professional development.  But looking at...

Before Competence

I finally got around to reading Before Happiness by Shawn Achor over the holidays. It’s an insightful book that describes how we must learn to see the world through a more positive lens which allows us to summon the motivation, emotion, and intelligence necessary to...

Forgetting Frivolous Feedback

Can I just rant for a moment? Have you ever noticed how asking for feedback sometimes invites frivolous, nonsensical, and insignificant information? Do some people believe that ‘I don’t have anything to offer’ is not an acceptable response? Why do they feel compelled...