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The New Game of Management

Today’s managers and supervisors are under tremendous, and often competing, pressures.  They’re challenged to balance short-term results with long-term focus. They must keep costs down but drive ever-increasing levels of contribution and value. They must follow...

Before Competence

I finally got around to reading Before Happiness by Shawn Achor over the holidays. It’s an insightful book that describes how we must learn to see the world through a more positive lens which allows us to summon the motivation, emotion, and intelligence necessary to...

Back to School Inspires Goal Setting

Guest Blog by Jenna Giulioni The following post is an article that my 15-year-old daughter wrote for her high school newspaper.  It strikes me that we adults might benefit from this teenage wisdom on how to reach our goals. As the new school year fast approaches,...

Team, Group, or Train Wreck?

Teams and teamwork are among the most frequently written about and searched for topics in business today. From senior executives to frontline supervisors, leaders everywhere are looking for strategies to get the most from others. The first and most fundamental...

Give ‘Em Enough Rope….

I like to start each day with an early morning yoga class. And, if I get there early enough, I stretch out my spine by hanging upside down from ropes that are anchored to the wall.   A friend recently walked into the studio, announcing, “There’s Julie.  Give her...