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The FUEL that Propels Today’s Organizations

Organizations today face unparalleled pressures and challenges—from balancing the needs of customers and shareholders to combating new and evolving competitive forces to anticipating and planning for an uncertain future by ensuring a never-ending flow of innovations...

Great Work = Great Career Development

While most organizations expect great work, we don’t necessarily take the time to identify what actually contributes to it. In his book, Great Work, David Sturt has done that for us. Drawing on the research of O.C. Tanner and a Forbes Insight Study of over 1,000...

How Well-Populated is Your Pipeline?

Last year, the Aberdeen Group conducted a research study exploring the business impact of building learning capability. Using three key performance criteria to distinguish best-in-class companies, it was found that: 83% of employees in these companies received...

Managers, Mentors, and a Lot More

Chip Bell and Marshall Goldsmith have just introduced another gem into the leadership development world. Managers as Mentors: Building Partnerships for Learning is now available everywhere books are sold. It’s a rich resource, filled with wisdom, perspective, and...