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Turning Disappointment into Development

If you’re a manager or leader, you likely feel caught between a rock and a hard place on a daily basis. Meeting escalating customer demands with de-escalating resources. Fostering future innovation while operating within today’s limiting policies and practices....

Momentum as a Management Strategy

“Every body perseveres in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed ” — Isaac Newton’s First Law of Motion Leaders looking for an edge in today’s...

The Structure-Culture-Development Connection

If you lead an organization, work in an organization, or even set foot in an organization, you know that we are living in a time of significant structural change. Many forces and factors are contributing to these changes, including: The significant proportion and...

How to Foster an Organizational Culture of Learning

Guest Post by Courtney McIntosh Increasingly, organizations are discovering the value of investing in a learning culture. And it makes sense, learning drives engagement, retention, innovation and so many other business priorities. That’s why I’m delighted to host this...