
Careers, Conversation, and Curiosity
There’s a lot of talk about conversation in business today - and everyone has a favorite. Some like it ‘fierce’. Others prefer ‘crucial’. But, we are particularly fond of the career conversation. After 30 years working with managers and employees alike, we are more...

The 5 Raises that Fit Any Budget
Let’s face it. Budgets are tight. Raise pools are shallow. And even as business improves, we may find that the new normal is considerably leaner than it used to be. If you’re a manager, you may feel like your hands are tied when it comes to motivating and growing your...

Which Would you Rather?
My daughter’s favorite way to pass the time on long trips is the game ‘Would You Rather.’ If you haven’t had the pleasure of playing, here’s a quick primer. One person asks the question, “Would you rather” followed by two equally unsavory choices. Example: Would you...

This Working Mom Chimes in on the “It All” Debate
I remember as a child, the inquiries of adults who wondered what I wanted to be when I grew up. My standard response was ‘a vice president of a company.’ (Why didn't I set my sights on the top spot? That’s a whole other Oprah!) I wasn't sure what company or even what...

Woo the Crew
Last month, I was sitting in the auditorium of my 8th grader’s school. Other parents were watching the singing and dancing. I, on the other hand, had my eye trained on the sets and props. You see, my daughter was part of the stage crew. At her school, the kids must...
The Blessing of the Dropped Ball
I’ll admit it. I suffer from a little bit of SWS (Super Woman Syndrome). OK, maybe a lot. I entered adulthood in the ‘you can have it all’ era and, although I’ve read plenty of self-help books and dedicate myself (weekly) to the idea of balance, I can’t seem to...

Updating the Definition of Career Development
Few will argue that career development is important, a challenge for most managers, and a high stakes game in organizations today. Where the argument begins is around what career development actually is. Too frequently, form trumps function. Literally. For many...