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Unpacking Learning

Unpacking Learning

In a recent SmartBrief blog post, Memo to the CEO: 5 Myths that are Killing Your Talent Development , my friends Jeannie Coyle and Wendy Axelrod provide insightful observations and analysis about talent development that is important to all leaders today. I found my...

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Introverts Rule (Quietly)

Introverts Rule (Quietly)

For most of my professional life, I’ve admired and envied the extroverted leaders around me.  Ahhhh, to demonstrate such confidence, energy, and power. For decades, I believed that at some point - after a lot or professional experience, after having my own business,...

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Lean Out

Lean Out

Last week I had the pleasure of participating in a client retreat. After my part of the agenda was complete, I was invited to stay on and enjoy the other speakers. I’ll be honest... I was tempted to hop on the first plane back to the office. But something encouraged...

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Building the Bench

Building the Bench

Just as many organizations begin to feel that they’re stabilizing after a long period of economic uncertainty, they may find themselves facing a new and unexpected challenge: deficient management bench strength. According to the American Management Association’s study...

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Closing the Door… on Closure

Closing the Door… on Closure

Poll ten highly successful people and you’ll likely find that nine have a very high need for closure.  You know that you’re among them if you: Feel most comfortable when a meeting ends with a good recap and solid next steps. Get an unusual sense of satisfaction out of...

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Harness the Power of the Pause

Harness the Power of the Pause

I'm excited to share this guest post by Mark Hopkins to celebrate the launch of his book, Shortcut to Prosperity: 10 Entrepreneurial Habits and a Roadmap For An Exceptional Career. Mark is a gifted writer with powerful and actionable strategies for anyone looking for...

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