
Announcing ChatJWG – Our Own ‘GrowBot’ is at Your Service
I’m not going to lie. When I was first introduced to ChatGPT, it absolutely terrified me. Was it going to: Automate the task and talent of writing that I find joy in? Transform my craft into a commodity? Render a skill set I’ve worked hard to hone irrelevant? Rather...

Help Employees Get Back in the Driver’s Seat of Their Career Development
Question: What do employees crave, expect, and consider leaving their current jobs for… but increasingly are not taking the initiative to pursue? Answer: Career development! Despite high-profile research studies highlighting the importance of career development to...

Risky business: Strategies to encourage employee risk-taking
Failure is getting considerable attention in leadership and management circles these days. Articles, books, and keynote speeches preach the value of mistakes and learning from failure. The current dialogue begins once the mistake or failure occurs and addresses how to...

No Time for Career Development? Think Again!
Career development appears at the top of many lists. Unfortunately, they tend to be lists focused on what employees desperately want but are not getting from managers. As for managers, most appreciate the value of career development and really wish they could do it...

February 2023 Leadership Development Carnival
‘Love’ is a word that only recently has crept into our workplace vocabulary. And it’s an appropriate addition! Sustainable satisfaction and success demand work that people love. In many ways, effective leadership is a profound expression of love – love of learning and...

All You Need is LOVE
As Valentine’s Day approaches, love is in the air. And while this whole topic is highly charged in today’s workplace, there’s a brand of ‘love’ that’s not only appropriate but also necessary in our contemporary business environment—one that can drive engagement, job...

Rethinking Your Response When an Employee Resigns
From the Great Resignation to the trending topic of quiet quitting, the exodus of employees, whether physically or emotionally, continues. No matter how strong your organizational culture is employee resignations will happen. The words: “I quit!” will always strike...

To Lead or Not to Lead: Most Employees Say “Not”… but Many Go For It Anyway
Most workers don’t aspire to leadership roles. That’s the key finding of The 2022 Everywhere Workplace Report by Invanti. In fact, well over the majority at 71% of employees are saying no to a promotion preferring working from anywhere instead. This is interesting...

Storytelling and the Reserved Leader
I’ve never been comfortable talking about myself. Standing up in class each fall to share how I spent my summer vacation made me squirm. College essay writing was painful. And I’ll be honest – even today as I begin a talk or workshop with a quick introduction, in the...