
Exploring the Myths of Team Building in the Digital Age
Guest Post by Crystal Kadakia I’m really excited to introduce you to a new Berrett-Koehler author, Crystal Kadakia, who is launching her first book, The Millennial Myth, this week. Crystal’s book is a refreshing take on the current media hype surrounding this now...

When the Growing Gets Tough
Think about the learning that contributed most powerfully to your development and who you are today. Consider the experiences that built the expertise you use and value most every day. Reflect on what you’re most proud of mastering during the course of your career or...
4 Raises that Fit Any Budget
A friend recently shared her disappointment that despite earning an ‘exceeds expectations’ on her annual performance appraisal, she received only a 1% salary increase. And she was one of the lucky ones. Some of her peers received no increase and others actually saw...

Who Knows What Employees Really Want?
For decades, articles, authors and studies have tried to help managers come to terms with how to motivate employees and drive optimal performance by understanding what employees really want and need from work. The list is long (and alphabetized for ease). Achievement...

Today’s Burning Leadership Question: Are You a Flame or an Ember?
Michael is a leader in a high-tech organization. He’s charismatic, affable, and the ideal networker due to his highly-social nature. He gets along with nearly everyone and can lighten the mood of even the toughest meeting with his playfulness and sense of humor. Cara...

And the Envelope Please…
Few leaders are tested on as big a stage or under as bright a spotlight as Jordan Horowitz and Fred Berger, the producers of LaLa Land, who in a split-second decision, transferred their award to those who made Moonlight. How many of us could…. Graciously pass off a...

The 10 Top Trust Terminators
Trust is nearly synonymous with leadership. And it’s big business. We buy books (from the selection of more than 80,000 about the topic on Amazon). We attend seminars. And we work diligently to cultivate it with employees, peers, supervisors, customers… heck, everyone...

Employee recognition: The KISS… method
Recognition may be among today’s most heavily researched leadership and supervision topics. And the results are consistently disturbing: According to studies by Badgeville research, 79% of those who quit their jobs cite lack of appreciation as the main reason. Wichita...

A Manager’s Guide to Navigating High-Stress Times
Whether it’s a merger, an acquisition, a reorganization, downsizing, a new product launch or political turmoil, there will always be periods of time during which employees experience elevated levels of stress. And as much as we’d like to invoke the old ‘leave it at...