(626) 799-3418
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Learn-gevity: Enhancing Your Ability to Learn, Perform and Succeed Over Time

“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong learning attempt to acquire it.” ~ Albert Einstein Lifelong learning has long been understood to be a critical success factor. But today, it’s taken on even greater importance. The pace of change continues to accelerate and the level of complexity, ambiguity and uncertainty means […]

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How to Build Business Acumen on a Budget

The complexity, connectivity and pace of business today demand that employees and leaders understand their work like never before. This goes beyond “corporate speak” and buzzword vocabulary; everyone in today’s organizations must have a working knowledge of the strategy and how that translates to the bottom-line. This is why business acumen is among the most […]

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Recognizing ‘Robligation’

rob·li·ga·tion /rˌäbləˈɡāSH(ə)n/ noun (invented) the heavy, suffocating experience of agreeing to a project or assignment only to realize that it hangs over your head, robbing you of the experience of joy until it’s completed It’s something I’ve experienced since high school; and I thought was my own unique brand of neurosis. I would take on […]

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The Magic of Making an Effort

Just over a year ago I gave a keynote speech at a conference in Russia. I worked diligently to master a few key phrases. But, between having no natural capacity for foreign languages and not hearing much Russian in my day-to-day life, the result was dreadful. I actually might have insulted their mothers as I […]

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Rethinking Remote Relationships

According to a VitalSmarts survey of 1153 global workers reported in Harvard Business Review (April 2018), remote employees feel left out and disadvantaged as a result of their status. And it goes far beyond ‘out of sight, out of mind.’ In dramatically larger numbers than their co-located colleagues, remote employees feel that: Colleagues lobby against […]

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 Diagnosis: Career Path(ology)

An epidemic is sweeping many organizations. How will you know if yours might be infected? Symptoms include: Increased expectations for roles and moves that may not exist Difficulty engaging disillusioned employees Painful exchanges about promotions that aren’t happening Sore feelings and skepticism Decreased trust Swelling in the number of employees who feel stuck or misrouted […]

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