How Exceptional People Developers Beat Bad Systems
A manager who doesn’t appreciate the value of something or simply doesn’t want to do it will always find an excuse not to. And, when it comes to employee development, one doesn’t have to look far for a legitimate one! Organizations unwittingly create impediments to...
Up Was Never for Everyone
Guest Post by Beverly Kaye, Lindy Williams and Lynn Cowart I’m delighted to celebrate the launch of Beverly Kaye’s new book, Up is Not the Only Way, with this excerpt. Bev is a legend in the career development field and I feel fortunate to have co-authored Help Them...
Are You a Micromanager or a Macromanager?
Micromanager. It’s one of the least flattering labels one can be tagged with in business today. It connotes an unproductive level of involvement in the work and work products, excessive need for control, nit-pickiness, attention to unnecessary details and a generally...
What’s your Story? Leadership and Storytelling
Storytelling -- once the stuff of childhood nighttime rituals -- has grown up and is quickly becoming a go-to tool in the very adult world of business. MBA programs, workshops, and coaches all offer strategies and support to help today’s leaders craft a better story....
Leading with Wholeness in a Disruptive World
Guest Post by Wendy Tan I’m delighted to host this guest blog post from my friend, Wendy Tan, author of Wholeness in a Disruptive World. This really is a book whose time has come—at a time when we need it most. Wendy offers a wholistic/holistic look at at what it...
Agility is Today’s Most Critical Leadership Competency
A friend who coaches a girls soccer team recently shared, that after a tough loss, one of her 13-year-old players said, “Well, you know coach, you either win or you learn.” Yeah! We really are coming to appreciate the value of failure and experiments that don’t go...
The Risky Business of Leadership Development
Business success today demands careful attention to risk management. Contingency plans, redundant systems, business continuity insurance, and countless other vehicles protect organizations from the volatility and unpredictability of today’s business landscape. But...
Creativity: It’s What’s Missing from Career Development
A significant investment is made each year on studies, training, portals and programs related to career development; yet, the return on this investment continues to disappoint organizations, leaders and employees alike. And it’s unfortunate, because what’s needed...
3 Career-Planning Insights I Learned by Walking Across Spain
Guest Post by Victor Prince I am delighted and honored to host a guest blog post by Victor Prince on the same day that his latest book, The Camino Way, launches. Victor—who travels the world speaking and consulting—brings his wealth of leadership development...