
4 Practices to Foster Psychological Safety
Sadly, the news is filled with tragic and unsettling stories about the state of our schools’ and workplaces’ physical safety. The issue is complex, multifaceted, and will likely be debated for some time. Many managers and leaders are feeling immobilized, unable to...

What Does IDP Stand for in Your Organization?
The human resources lexicon suggests that the universal definition of IDP is individual development plan, the process whereby leaders and employees engage in career and professional planning conversations designed to promote growth, engagement, retention, and results....

Growing Your Business Means Growing Your People
Career development remains a top reason employees give for joining an organization and, unfortunately, it’s a top reason people give for leaving. But to limit development to the realm of retention or recruitment strategies undermines its power and fails to take into...

The Structure-Culture-Development Connection
If you lead an organization, work in an organization, or even set foot in an organization, you know that we are living in a time of significant structural change. Many forces and factors are contributing to these changes, including: The significant proportion and...

The Fine Art of Delegation: Five Vital Tips
Guest Post by Diana Peterson-More I’ve had the pleasure of knowing and working with Diana Peterson-More over the past 2+ decades and I’ve been consistently impressed by the extraordinary leadership she's demonstrated in her work as a highly-placed HR executive,...

What’s Your Disposition Toward Development?
Leaders can’t help but bring their general disposition or temperament to work. And that disposition drives everything they do. How they run meetings. How they set goals. How they organize projects. And how they grow people. Developing others is among a leader’s most...

The Multiple Intelligences Required to Facilitate Career Development Today
The career development landscape facing employees and leaders today is more complex than ever before. Flatter, delayered organizations offer fewer opportunities for promotions (or even lateral moves). Changing demographics place new pressures on the workplace with an...

Vision: It’s a Verb!
For decades, leaders have been advised to generate missions and visions as a way to focus and drive organizations into the future. Countless workshops and books outline the "how-tos" associated with arriving at those just-right words that will galvanize teams and...

Introducing the Notion of Career Agility to the World of Solopreneurship
Guest Post by Anji Marychurch I was delighted to connect with Anji Marychurch after recently conducting a tele-class for the International Coaching Federation. It took no time to discover that despite living on 'different sides of the pond,' we share a lot in terms of...