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5 Phrases Every Supervisor Should Adopt


Supervisors are the lynchpins in any organization. They are the link between management and the employees who build the products, deliver the services, and take care of the customers day-in and day-out. They are on the frontline, the leading (and sometimes bleeding) edge, closest to the action and the realities of business.

Supervisors are also one of the top reasons employees give for leaving their jobs. Classic Gallup research (based upon more than one million employees) found that the number one reason for quitting a job comes down to the boss. Researchers summarized it with the much-quoted phrase: “People leave managers not companies.” And Leigh Branham further confirms this finding in The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave, based upon Saratoga Institute’s review of 19,000 exit interviews.

But what about the other side of this coin? What about the supervisors who retain employees? The supervisors for whom employees are consistently willing to go the extra mile? These supervisors send messages of trust, authenticity, candor, and support… and they speak phrases that many other leaders don’t.

Wondering what they are? Check out the rest of my article at LeadChangeGroup.



  1. That was just great.. you are right.. they(Supervisor) play very key role in an any organizations. The question always rises where there work in a straight way or cross way. in other words. how they are moving with their employees. I believe, every employee deserves a friendly environment on work place. so that they wont feel much pressure while working. Ultimately a supervisor in any division of a company should learn how to behave with their employees and adopt to the situations.. instead for just removing angry on them… as you mentioned above (The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave, based upon Saratoga Institute’s review of 19,000 exit interviews.) is 100% fact. but i always assume that there is a problem from top management too. we cannot simply blame the supervisors. because when some supervisors from other companies are being good and playing helping hand. why cant this is happening with others. Just an example. my favorite organization is GOOGLE.. there they supervises very great.. What is my perspective is if the root is good, then the plant will grow good, if the plant will grow good, then the tree will stay strong.

    Thank You.

  2. Thanks for taking the time and write the article. I would be very careful about saying “I am sorry and I was wrong” too many times. “I was wrong” is great when you are trying something new and changing a paradigm. This will show your team you have the personal courage to change the old ways. Saying this for the right reasons is critical in changing the culture. On the other hand, saying “I am sorry” means you did something wrong which may have offended someone. Think ahead before you begin a conversation to avoid this saying. It is good to admit it and say you are sorry but too many times will show your team you do not pay attention to details. The perception of an employee is you should be perfect because you are “the supervisor”.


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