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Take Career Development to the Next Level

Thank you for attending my Offering the Career Development Your Organization Needs and Employees Want session during the recent ATD virtual conference!

As you know, today organizations face the most volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous business conditions ever. But one thing remains clear: talent is your most powerful and sustainable competitive advantage. As a result, developing and retaining the best possible employees is among a leader’s most fundamental priorities.

But, let’s be honest. Old models and frameworks aren’t capable of addressing current business conditions nor the needs and expectations of employees today. So, during my session, I introduced a new, updated mindset – one that is grounded in GRACE.


I hope you find the following resources helpful. If I can support your efforts further, just let me know. And please consider subscribing to my newsletter and following me for additional insights and tools you might find useful.

Best of luck as you ‘help them grow’ within your organization.




To help you put some of the ideas we explored into practice, here are additional resources for your use.

Engineer Development Experiences with the 7 V’s

Career Development – Focus on Doing vs. Being


Agile Development Planning

Agile Development Planning Template

How to Ditch Lonely IDPs and Embrace Collaborative Development Planning

Career Agility to Cultivate Career Success